This page is dedicated to the awesome brainiacs of MoHPC.To download the HPPRGM file which displays one of these gallery images on your HP Prime, just left-click the image. Save it on your hard disk somewhere. Then run the Connectivity Kit, and drag & drop the HPPRGM file onto your Prime. That's all it takes!
-23: CRT test screen
-22: TV off
-20: Try Science!
-21: Browser Wars
-19: Vader Sauce
-18: Tachyon Collision
-17: Dark Side of the Moon
-16: Piratitude
-15: Starships
-14: Star Trek homage #1
-13: Star Trek homage #2
-12: Water Flame
-11: Captain America
-10: Doughboys
-9: Euphoria
-8: Pillars of Creation
-7: Solar System
-6: Morning Kickstart
-5: Left-Handed Coffee Cup
-4: 32-color test grid
-3: Newton
-2: Music of the Spheres
-1: Spiderman
0: Is there a doctor in the House?